This one was rather very simple...
Anyway, a wish for my little nephew...
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Aunt will do better next time..
This one was rather very simple...
Anyway, a wish for my little nephew...
Happy Belated Birthday!!! Aunt will do better next time..
Happy Holiday!!!
I couldn't think one with the word of 'winter' or 'snow'. But I remembered, my grown-up book that I had loved the most. It was 'The Christmas Book' by Enid Blyton. I read this book as a youngster and I could say this one could be linked with Winter.
What's yours?
Happy BTT!
Happy Thanksgiving To All in the U.S. Wishing this Thanksgiving finds you with plenty reason to give thanks!
It's my 7 things that I'm thankful for...
my life.. for my career and everything that has happened to me..
my loving family (and that include my cat.. surely!!!) they are my friends through thick and thin. They could stand my unpredictable and changing mood. Thanks with love.
my precious friends all over the world. the laughter and friendship that I share with you are what I'm truly thankful for!
music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life. Without music, I'm empty.
food.. there is no love sincerer than the love of food???
the borderless world (the net), for me to explore the whole world.
and lastly, (saving the best for last).. thanks to God for all His blessings! Without Him, I won't get to experienced this wonderful life...
'May all the blessings of life be yours in abundance'
I had a nice yet memorable journey to the Kinabalu National Park last weekend. Driving my 'cutie' all the way to the Mesilau Nature Resort took us almost 2.5hrs to get there. No, we were not about to climb the summit of Borneo!! (as the Mesilau Trail is an alternative trail to climb Mount Kinabalu). We were supposed to spend our holiday at the Crocker Range Lodge (for the first time)! Mmm... Our first (and last I guess???) experience getting to the Crocker Range Lodge was unfriendly, though. Many parts of the Mesilau were really really steep, till momma couldn't just get through it. We changed our plan. Instead of staying at the Crocker Range Lodge, we stayed at the Hill Lodge inside the National Park. We did enjoy ourselves along side the vistas of Mount Kinabalu there, although we were really tired being on the road for hours! And the best thing about this journey is that the bonds that connect us as a family that would be thoughful till the end of our lives.
'the love of a family is life's greatest blessing'
Even if you are a die-hard fan of the public library system, I’m betting you have at least ONE permanent resident of your bookshelves in your house. I’m betting that no real book-lover can go through life without owning at least one book. So … why that one? What made you buy the books that you actually own, even though your usual preference is to borrow and return them?
If you usually buy your books, tell me why. Why buy instead of borrow? Why shell out your hard-earned dollars for something you could get for free?
I used to go to the library to borrow books.. Till now, I borrow books that ONLY in good condition. I couldn't deny, I'm judging a book by its cover! :) And the cover, does matter for me.
So why do I buy them? Because of their covers of course. And, their contents too. If I possess them, I would have all the time in the world to read them without worrying whether I could finished reading them or ending up few pages left unread. Happy reading!!!
~kayla neil