Monday, August 31, 2009


Few months break, thought my cuppies here would serve the eyes of you, wonderful readers. Had been wanting to bake and blog all this while, but time just didn't persist. I'd to put aside all the kitchen chores and the smell of fresh home-baked cakes on Sunday evenings for few moments.

These cuppies were baked on request of my sister, who always crave for my so-called 'tempting' couldn't resist cuppies.. Mmm.. that's what she said. She loves the sense of vanilla and buttery smell upon opening the box.

Guess it's the perfect time to continue my baking journey. I might stop for a while, but it never ends. That's the passage of life.

1 comment:

RA said...

Wow, I can see why see has been craving for them. So lovely! I believe they taste as good as they look. Have a wonderful week, JonJon :)